Below is a list of terms on the internet that you always find over the internet. actually a lot of terms on the internet, but I only give things that are common. Apologize if there is a mistaken :
- Archi = The system searches for files stored in the FTP server.
- Browse Hearing = To view various information into the directory.
- Communication Protocol = Rules in the way of communication between a machine with other machines.
- Circuit Switching = Type communication network that is applied as in the telephone network.
- DNS (Domain Name System) = The translation of the numeric Internet address to segment the string of words that indicate the name and location of the user.
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol) = Protocol that used to transfer files between the host computer and other computers.
- Finger = Software that is used to determine whether the user is logged on the internet. This software can also be used to find e-mail address of the other.
- Gateway = Computers that used to connect two network that far apart.
- Gopher = An information search tools arranged in a hierarchical menu. With this tool we can find information on the Gopher server. Arranged with official information.
- Gopher Server = Host computer that stores data for the Gopher service. Gopher servers provide a menu to make it easier to search and retrieve information by the Internet.
- Gopher Client = used by the internet to retrieve data from a Gopher server.
- Host = Computer in a single parent network. Host computers connected to each other in the internet.
- HTML (Hypert Text Markup language) = tools used to create hypertext, which can be put into a Web Server that can be accessed by Internet users who use the Web Browser.
- Internet Protocol = Rules and forms of communication in the internet using pocket switching principle.
- Internet Provider = Company that provide connections facilities to the Internet. If someone want the computer to connect to the Internet, the user can use the Internet service provider.
- Home page = Term used by the web document that refers to the hypertext displaying the first time when we use the web. Usually, this document contains information about the author or a product from the company.
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) = Software that is used for the online conversations via the keyboard.
- Newsgroup = Forums or conferences in the area where we can leave messages with a specific topic.
- Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) = Length of the TCP / IP; describes how newsgroup messages transferred between the server computer.
- Pocket Switching = Network communication concept, which saves every message sent in an envelope (packet), outside of the envelope there is a destination address and the address of the sender. This protocol works with the same principles, such as postal service.
- Package Internet Gopher (Ping) = Utility TCP / Ip is on a package of information to computers on the network. Ping can be used to check if the computer connected to the internet.
- RLogin (Remote Login) = The term used by computer users who use the terminal that connects to the host computer. With the use of the terminal is located far from the host computer.
- Serial Line IP / Point to Point Protocol (Slip / PPP) = Two protocols to access the dial-up connection to the Internet via serial.
- Transmision Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TSP / IP) Protocol = Which gives the possibility of communication between computers in the Internet or other network.
- Telnet = Protocol emulasi terminal (or a program that is based on the protocol), which gives us the possibility to be able to log on to another computer in the Internet.
- User Network (Usenet) = Public Network consists of thousands of newsgroups and organized by topic.
- Unix to Unix Copy (UUCP) = Origin is unix program that will allow transfer of files between two unix via PC dial-up connection. This term also means the unix network protocol or network protocol that uses it.
- Veronica (Very easy Rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computerized Archives) = search tools such as archi, the search for text that is on the Gopher.
- Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) = Software that is used to index large text files on the server. on the client side, this software to search and retrieve documents in the data base, based on the keywords that the user specified.
- Web Server = Computer or host that stores information about the Web.
- Web browser = used to view information on the Web.
- Whois = Utility TCP/Ip, giving us the possibility to ask the server computer to provide detailed information about other Internet users.
- Winsock (Windows Socket) = An application programming interface (API) that is designed so that Windows applications can be run on the network TCP / IP.
- World Wide Web (WWW) = Ordinary truncated to the Web, is a network server on the Internet that use hypertext links. In the server there are various types of information and files. Information not only in the form of text, but also voice and video.
Allow mantap nih blognya salam kenal yah
Thanks sobat salam kenal kembali
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