Benefits and Advantages of the Internet

At this time it's not quite fit a lot when we talk about computers without Internet. Therefore let us try to explain on the internet. Internet is a network computer that is not only the Local Area Network (LAN), not the Wide Area Network (WAN), and not also the Bulletin Board System or BBS, but it is a giant global computer network of the world.

Through the internet we can not only make the exchange of a computer program. Not only do the exchange of information from one computer user with other computer users around the world. But we can also make electronic mail (E-Mail). Conducting a conference or teleconference distance. In fact, we can also obtain any information that is required, ranging from things that are fun (entertainment), to the things that serious, such as: business information, information exchange effects, and development of the political world.

Indeed quite difficult if we imagine tens of million computers connected to one and the data stored on all computers can we access. How much information is available and can be obtained with free. Like in the ocean of information without know where information is located.

Now more and more open source information through the Internet access facilities. We can easily see the collection of NASA satellite images. Can get a copy of the script GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tarrff), NAFTA (North American Trade Agreement), or the Maastricht Treaty.

Indeed, the internet seems to be a major revolution in the field of communications and telecommunications. communication and telecommunication that have previously limited the relationship between the individual concerned. Say a letter, telephone, television, and facsmile. It can not provide much information that the bloodshed can be accessed by millions of people around the world. It was only limited to people who are concerned.

But with the internet via teleconference, for example, we discuss and dialogue not only between two people but can also involve multiple users to these technologies. say, this morning we can have dialogue and discussions with business partners in London, Tokyo and France as well. Next hour we can enter the library Northeren Territory University in Darwin. There we can see some of the literature database are related to a particular country. Then we entered the Australian National University library has open access to study collections of Asia-Pacific region. In fact, we can also explore the various White House script the computer belonging to the North Carolina university. On the other opportunities we can to explore Europe, to Viena for example, to search for large collections musician, such as Johan Sebastian Bach, beethoven, Chopin, Strause and many more. Or we fly to Paris to see the latest work of the designer fashion world such as Christian Dior, Pierre Cardin, and others. for people who love to be able to open fraudulent famous porn magazine Playboy in the United States.

Intension is to communicate via the Internet is cheaper than the cost of using the telephone. Because the credit balance is only used locally, even though we are talking with partners abroad. in short through the Internet we can do whatever we want through a computer at home while enjoying a cup of hot coffee. Overall all cheap.


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