List of Terms on The Internet

Below is a list of terms on the internet that you always find over the internet. actually a lot of terms on the internet, but I only give things that are common. Apologize if there is a mistaken :

  • Archi = The system searches for files stored in the FTP server.
  • Browse Hearing = To view various information into the directory.
  • Communication Protocol = Rules in the way of communication between a machine with other machines.
  • Circuit Switching = Type communication network that is applied as in the telephone network.
  • DNS (Domain Name System) = The translation of the numeric Internet address to segment the string of words that indicate the name and location of the user.
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) = Protocol that used to transfer files between the host computer and other computers.
  • Finger = Software that is used to determine whether the user is logged on the internet. This software can also be used to find e-mail address of the other.
  • Gateway = Computers that used to connect two network that far apart.
  • Gopher = An information search tools arranged in a hierarchical menu. With this tool we can find information on the Gopher server. Arranged with official information.
  • Gopher Server = Host computer that stores data for the Gopher service. Gopher servers provide a menu to make it easier to search and retrieve information by the Internet.
  • Gopher Client = used by the internet to retrieve data from a Gopher server.
  • Host = Computer in a single parent network. Host computers connected to each other in the internet.
  • HTML (Hypert Text Markup language) = tools used to create hypertext, which can be put into a Web Server that can be accessed by Internet users who use the Web Browser.
  • Internet Protocol = Rules and forms of communication in the internet using pocket switching principle.
  • Internet Provider = Company that provide connections facilities to the Internet. If someone want the computer to connect to the Internet, the user can use the Internet service provider.
  • Home page = Term used by the web document that refers to the hypertext displaying the first time when we use the web. Usually, this document contains information about the author or a product from the company.
  • Internet Relay Chat (IRC) = Software that is used for the online conversations via the keyboard.
  • Newsgroup = Forums or conferences in the area where we can leave messages with a specific topic.
  • Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) = Length of the TCP / IP; describes how newsgroup messages transferred between the server computer.
  • Pocket Switching = Network communication concept, which saves every message sent in an envelope (packet), outside of the envelope there is a destination address and the address of the sender. This protocol works with the same principles, such as postal service.
  • Package Internet Gopher (Ping) = Utility TCP / Ip is on a package of information to computers on the network. Ping can be used to check if the computer connected to the internet.
  • RLogin (Remote Login) = The term used by computer users who use the terminal that connects to the host computer. With the use of the terminal is located far from the host computer.
  • Serial Line IP / Point to Point Protocol (Slip / PPP) = Two protocols to access the dial-up connection to the Internet via serial.
  • Transmision Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TSP / IP) Protocol = Which gives the possibility of communication between computers in the Internet or other network.
  • Telnet = Protocol emulasi terminal (or a program that is based on the protocol), which gives us the possibility to be able to log on to another computer in the Internet.
  • User Network (Usenet) = Public Network consists of thousands of newsgroups and organized by topic.
  • Unix to Unix Copy (UUCP) = Origin is unix program that will allow transfer of files between two unix via PC dial-up connection. This term also means the unix network protocol or network protocol that uses it.
  • Veronica (Very easy Rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computerized Archives) = search tools such as archi, the search for text that is on the Gopher.
  • Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) = Software that is used to index large text files on the server. on the client side, this software to search and retrieve documents in the data base, based on the keywords that the user specified.
  • Web Server = Computer or host that stores information about the Web.
  • Web browser = used to view information on the Web.
  • Whois = Utility TCP/Ip, giving us the possibility to ask the server computer to provide detailed information about other Internet users.
  • Winsock (Windows Socket) = An application programming interface (API) that is designed so that Windows applications can be run on the network TCP / IP.
  • World Wide Web (WWW) = Ordinary truncated to the Web, is a network server on the Internet that use hypertext links. In the server there are various types of information and files. Information not only in the form of text, but also voice and video.

Optimize Internet Connection

Storage-Tips this time will give you tips on how to optimize your Internet connection. This is especially useful when we use the internet connection is slow access. such as internet access using GPRS, dial up, and so forth.

  1. First we slightly change the configuration Group Policy in our PC. Log In Menu Start >> Run >>type: gpedit.msc>> Computer Configuration>> Administrative Templates>> Network>> Qos Packet Scheduler>> Limit Resevable Bandwidth , double click>>> set the settings to disable and click Ok .
  2. Turn off the update feature on your Computer with a way: Log in to Control Panel>>> Security Center>>> select Turn Off Automatic Updates.
  3. Remove the warning with the Auto Update: Log In Control Panel>> Security Center>>> on the resource select Change the way Security Center alerts me>> Uncheck the Automatic Updates. For Windows SP1 Version: right-click My Computer>> Select Auto Updates>> Mark the Turn Off Automatic Updates. Turn off the Updates on the Menu applications that you use.
  4. Software for the browser I suggest you to use Mozilla Firefox Browser. Which according to my experience the most rapid and appropriate use on the internet connection is slow. This software you can download at better if you use Mozilla Firefox version 2.0 which is suitable when the network is slow internet.
  5. Optimize your Mozila FireFox with add Plugins AddOns or Faster Fox. Mozila Firefox Addon for this can be downloaded at This Addon which can only be used on Mozila Firefox version 2.0. Use of this addon and Firefox to improve performance in compliance with our internet network. Set its Plugins with the entry on the Tools menu mozilla>> Select the add-ons>> Fasterfox Select Options>> Select Turbo charged>> Ok.
  6. Browsing using Mozilla can we improve the way we use the proxy and apply to this Browser Mozilla Firefox. How to change the proxy settings on Mozila as follows: Open the tools menu>> Options>> Advanced>> Network>> Conection Settings>> sign on the Manual Proxy Configuration>>> Http proxy>> one of the entries in the list of IP proxy Proxy below.
  7. Download Requirements for, I suggest you use the software Internet Download Manager (IDM) you please download the
  8. When you need to use a Proxy on the IDM. Step as follows: Run the IDM-click menu Options>> Proxy>> check Use Http Proxy>> Enter one of the Proxy and Proxy port above>> user name and password empty>> Click OK.
  9. If you need to chat, i suggest using Yahoo Messenger version 7 or 8 because it is faster when used on slow network. Or may use alternative Mesenger yahelite.
  10. On the proxy can also be used on the yahoo messenger how to open an application with Yahoo Mesenger Click the Connection Preference>>> Mark the Use Proxy>>> checkbox enable Http Proxy>> Entries one of the proxy above>> Apply and OK.

Http Proxy list that can be used:

  • port: 443 (Proxy Saudi Arabia)
  • Port: 3128 (Proxy Malaysia)
  • Port: 443 (Proxy Saudi Arabia)
  • Port: 443 (Proxy Saudi Arabia)
  • port: 443 (Proxy Saudi Arabia)
  • Port: 443 (Proxy Saudi Arabia)
Proxy Network Special Telkom Speedy:

  • Port 8080
  • Port 8080
Special Proxy Sites :
  • Port: 3128

What Is The Internet

Once we know about benefits and advantages of the Internet, although only a glimpse. Now let's see what the actual Internet. As already explained in previous articles Benefits and advanteges of the Internet, that the Internet is a global computer network. Or, also often referred to as Cyberspace. In fact the term cyberspace itself has not been previously not known in the literature of science and technology.

Cyberspace is a new expression was developed in the computer world. Cyberspace is actually derived from the word which means knowledge Cybernetic communication and control in machines and animals. which is then developed by computer experts to be drawn from Cyberspace novel works of William Gibson titled "Cyberspace". Cyberspace in the novel is described as an environment where human life is very dependent on the computer.

In the computer world a few words we know the internet, which is written with the letters [i] and written with the letter [I] large. When the letter [i] is written with small letters and the Internet means that the set of network (a network that interconnected with the specific communication protocol). When [I] is written with capital letters, the Internet is a collection of host-host computer (host more than a million), which spread around the world who can communicate with each other via TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).

Benefits and Advantages of the Internet

At this time it's not quite fit a lot when we talk about computers without Internet. Therefore let us try to explain on the internet. Internet is a network computer that is not only the Local Area Network (LAN), not the Wide Area Network (WAN), and not also the Bulletin Board System or BBS, but it is a giant global computer network of the world.

Through the internet we can not only make the exchange of a computer program. Not only do the exchange of information from one computer user with other computer users around the world. But we can also make electronic mail (E-Mail). Conducting a conference or teleconference distance. In fact, we can also obtain any information that is required, ranging from things that are fun (entertainment), to the things that serious, such as: business information, information exchange effects, and development of the political world.

Indeed quite difficult if we imagine tens of million computers connected to one and the data stored on all computers can we access. How much information is available and can be obtained with free. Like in the ocean of information without know where information is located.

Now more and more open source information through the Internet access facilities. We can easily see the collection of NASA satellite images. Can get a copy of the script GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tarrff), NAFTA (North American Trade Agreement), or the Maastricht Treaty.

Indeed, the internet seems to be a major revolution in the field of communications and telecommunications. communication and telecommunication that have previously limited the relationship between the individual concerned. Say a letter, telephone, television, and facsmile. It can not provide much information that the bloodshed can be accessed by millions of people around the world. It was only limited to people who are concerned.

But with the internet via teleconference, for example, we discuss and dialogue not only between two people but can also involve multiple users to these technologies. say, this morning we can have dialogue and discussions with business partners in London, Tokyo and France as well. Next hour we can enter the library Northeren Territory University in Darwin. There we can see some of the literature database are related to a particular country. Then we entered the Australian National University library has open access to study collections of Asia-Pacific region. In fact, we can also explore the various White House script the computer belonging to the North Carolina university. On the other opportunities we can to explore Europe, to Viena for example, to search for large collections musician, such as Johan Sebastian Bach, beethoven, Chopin, Strause and many more. Or we fly to Paris to see the latest work of the designer fashion world such as Christian Dior, Pierre Cardin, and others. for people who love to be able to open fraudulent famous porn magazine Playboy in the United States.

Intension is to communicate via the Internet is cheaper than the cost of using the telephone. Because the credit balance is only used locally, even though we are talking with partners abroad. in short through the Internet we can do whatever we want through a computer at home while enjoying a cup of hot coffee. Overall all cheap.

How To Overcome The Error In The Blogger

Had experienced problems such as the picture below?
computer tips, overcome the error in the blogger

The first time you get error messages from this blogger sure you are confused. Usually when we're going to edit our layout templates. Suddenly appear an error message that essentially ask about what you did before.You may think your template that error. But actually there is a solution to overcome this problem. I will provide the solution.

This error occurs because we have cookies, if an error such as a solution before we just need to clean the cookies on the browser.
if you use Firefox, Go to Tools->Option->Show Cookies->Removes All Cookies

Why The Printer Does Not Work ?

The printer does not work?. There are several possibilities which can be a cause of this, such as:

  • Catridge printer has not been installed or not installed perfectly.
  • Position the catridge is not appropriate.
  • Catridge installed is not suitable for the printer.
  • There is no paper in the printer.
  • After the paper published papers have not pressed the button entry / resume.
  • There is a paper that may clog.
  • Check whether the printer cover was closed completely.
If all the above possibilities are still not overcome the problem you can, try to turn off the printer some time and then turn on again. Good luck !